Huge thanks to for all their work in putting together this fantastic site! This will be your chance to stay up on everything that is happening across the country (yes….keep reading) and get INVOLVED. The spring dates in Alaska are being determined at this moment and see below:
Kids on the Move School Programs: Spring quarter 2013
Kids on the Run: June/July 2013
Summer Goals, Winter Dreams Clinic @Alyeska Resort: Late May/Early June 2013
RUCKUS IN THE MUCKUS, we’re going BIG this year folks: tentatively May 25, 2013
Driven to Move 3rd Annual Golf Scramble- Mid July
Other events are in the brainstorming process. and also events in MILWAUKEE and PARK CITY… I know that is a terribly vague hint, but great slogan to live by….”Under-promise and over-deliver”
Follow us here and share your “Driven” moments or “how” you’re working towards your goals!
Here’s a story for you…from Liam
(On Sunday) my friend Dan Biederman ran in his first ever marathon. 2yrs. ago he was around 375lbs and today he’s lost over 160lbs with the greatest victory of all in his first marathon…conquering the self. Today was a day he had tears streaming down his face with his accomplishment and earned ever inch of the 26.2miles, cramps were in full force but it didn’t stop him cause he HAD COME TOO FAR. Will you get to the point where nothing will stop you from achieving your goal like Dan? I intend to. There’s no better day to start than TODAY.
His WHY? The “why” is what gets you out of your comfort zone and pushes you when fear, doubt, and fatigue say “no.”
He and his girlfriend, Anastasia, raised over $5,000 dollars for ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) of Greater Chicago,
The WHY: This was in memory of his mother, Mel, who lost her battle in 2009, but clearly bestowed a tremendous fight that lives on in Dan. Why fight? Why struggle? Why be thankful for each and every day for the gift? Dan OWNS his WHY and not a damn thing will take that away. Decide “WHY” for yourself and make it so…
Please share any comments you have about the new site and please sign-up as a volunteer!